• Question: You said in the live chat you had a friend who was a marine biologist, why do you think we have only discovered such a low percentage of our oceans? What might be down there? Is the kraken real?

    Asked by MlgDingo to Jonny on 19 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Jonny Brooks-Bartlett

      Jonny Brooks-Bartlett answered on 19 Jun 2015:

      The ocean is hard to explore because the sunlight doesn’t travel all of the way down to the bottom so it’s pitch black down there. So you need some light to see things. Also the pressure at the bottom of the ocean is really high so we would die if we went down there without something very very protective. I’m not sure if a human has actually been down there.

      We have sent cameras to the bottom of the ocean and you can see some of the things that we have found here: http://io9.com/our-first-glimpse-of-ocean-life-at-the-bottom-of-an-une-1535242517

      I don’t think the Kraken is real but I could be wrong.

      I hope that helps
