• Question: why do some people get dizzy and how can it be stopped?

    Asked by x-x-LILSKI-x-x to Alison, Hannah, Jonny, MarthaNari, Paul on 20 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Paul Brack

      Paul Brack answered on 20 Jun 2015:

      ‘The organs in charge of your sense of balance are in your inner ear. When you move your head, the fluid inside these organs pushes against the receptor cells. If you move your head quickly and then stop suddenly, the fluid continues to move and gives you a false sense of moving – what we call dizziness. Sometimes an ear infection might wipe out your sense of balance, making you feel constantly seasick.’

      Answer from http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/whoami/findoutmore/yourbrain/whatareyoursenses/whereareyou/whydoyougetdizzy.aspx

    • Photo: Jonny Brooks-Bartlett

      Jonny Brooks-Bartlett answered on 25 Jun 2015:

      Further to Paul’s answer, when people have to much to drink (alcohol) and get drunk, the alcohol also affects the fluid in your inner ear which is why drunk people don’t balance very well.
