• Question: it has recently been discovered that monkeys are getting drunk on alcohol why and how is this happening and can it cause any damage?

    Asked by x-x-LILSKI-x-x to Alison, Hannah, Jonny, MarthaNari, Paul on 18 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Alison Whitaker

      Alison Whitaker answered on 18 Jun 2015:

      Monkeys can get intoxicated with alcohol in a similar way to humans. In fact, some people test the effects of alcohol on monkeys to better understand the effects in humans.
      In humans alcohol increases the amount of dopamine in the brain’s reward centre, which is why it can feel good when you have a drink. Other animals have similar systems in their brains and so alcohol can have a similar pleasurable effect.
      I would expect that it does have detrimental effects to monkeys in some ways, as it does humans. I don’t know if the social effects alcohol has in monkeys is the same as humans though as I have not studied the behaviour of monkeys!

    • Photo: Martha Havenith

      Martha Havenith answered on 18 Jun 2015:

      As Alison said, the way monkeys and humans get drunk is the same. We even seem to experience getting drunk in a similar way – in the wild, monkeys apparently eat rotten fruit on purpose sometimes to get themselves tipsy. Apart from activating the ‘reward’ center in the brain, alcohol also basically quiets the neurons down: It decreases the amount of glutamate (that’s a messenger in the brain that excites other neurons) and increases the amount of GABA (that’s a messenger that shuts other neurons up). That explains why it’s harder to think straight, remember things, walk straight etc. – your brain is literally ‘only half there’ for a bit.

    • Photo: Paul Brack

      Paul Brack answered on 26 Jun 2015:

      Here’s a video of some monkeys in the Caribbean who have taken to raiding bars for alcohol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSm7BcQHWXk
