• Question: could you bring your loved ones back from the dead like in harry potter with the resurrection stone by using science

    Asked by no_odd_socks to Jonny, Paul on 26 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Paul Brack

      Paul Brack answered on 26 Jun 2015:

      Not at the moment, no. Once the brain has been starved of oxygen for a while, brain damage starts to occur, so even if could make their heart beat again, they wouldn’t necessarily be the same person anymore – the damage to their brain may have been too great.

    • Photo: Jonny Brooks-Bartlett

      Jonny Brooks-Bartlett answered on 26 Jun 2015:

      I have to go with Paul on this one. I don’t think that you would be able to bring them back and if you did they probably wouldn’t be the same.

      If we ever got to a point where we could bring people back from the dead, grow their organs back and make their brain (and mind) the same as it was before then that would be astonishing (something out of science fiction). Even if it was possible, we are no where near being able to do this right now.
