• Question: are there other races of human?

    Asked by Ben☻ to Alison, Hannah, Jonny, MarthaNari, Paul on 21 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Alison Whitaker

      Alison Whitaker answered on 21 Jun 2015:

      Yes, there were, but not anymore. We have evolved from early humans, and before our current species (homo sapiens) there were a few different types of humans, and we are actually a blend. Homo Sapiens originated somewhere in Africa, and when they started to spread out to Europe, Asia and beyond they interbred with Neanderthals so who we are today is a bit of both!

    • Photo: Paul Brack

      Paul Brack answered on 24 Jun 2015:

      Not any more. We Homo Sapiens turned out the best and outlived the Neanderthals! Go us!
